A Tasty Serving from Kamar Kata Community’s Book Review

Selasa, 19 November 2019 | 11:44 WIB Last Updated 2019-11-19T04:44:35Z
 A Tasty Serving from Kamar Kata Community’s Book Review

JBN.CO.ID ■ STKIP PGRI Ponorogo held Free Literacy School (Sekolah Literasi Gratis/SLG) activity again.  The activity was on the form of book review program, which took place on Graha Saraswati STKIP PGRI Ponorogo (Saturday, 16/2019). A collection of short stories written by Kamar Kata  Community from Karanganyar became the subject of the review.

The chief of  STKIP PGRI Ponorogo , Dr. H. Sutejo, M.Hum, began the book review with a beautiful treatise on writing.

"Most people feel broken heart, hurt, and tortured because of love, through Kamar Kata Community we can learn that all of those sorrowful feelings are not only elicited pain but also triggered  our imagination to be more productive at work," said the man who initiated the Free Literacy School.

Furthermore, Dr. H. Sutejo, M.Hum said the feeling of sadness and pain were turned into magneficent works by Kamar Kata community. A short  story collection entitled Dua Tragedi, Sejarah Maaf, and Ziarah Hati was one of the example. “Their works are as if the sun which we always wait to rise each morning, “ he said on the opening speech.

The discussion was held on Graha Saraswati with Yuditeha ,the Principal of Kamar Kata, as the main speaker alongside the  fellow writers from the community. Frengky Nur Faria Pratama, a cultural observer and had attended the Youth Cultural Camp 2019, and LPPM STKIP PGRI Ponorogo’s staff became the enthusiast-trigger in the interesting discussion.

In his presentation, Yuditeha explained that most people cannot recognize information within visual form, thus it cannot be preserved as a memory of the person.

"To me, no matter how difficult a problem is, how heavy it was, there will always be a solution when we try to write down the problem," he said.

Yuditeha also pointed out that in Kamar Kata Community, they were not only learning to write, but also learning to be a writer of good character and learn to speak up.

"Sometimes to create works with extraordinary impressions and results of written and visual sensation, we also need to imagine the things we like, as that of our fellows from Kamar Kata Community who are able to publish the Dua Tragedi, Sejarah Maaf and Ziarah Hati short stories. They included their personal experiences alongside their imaginations," he added.

The book review activity was also attended by writers, college students, senior high school students, and general public. This activity aimed to give the experience and cultivate creative motivation.

Kamar Kata Community wrote stories that were worth to read. The activity was expected to grow many great writers, as writing become hobbies as well as communication tools. It also illustrated that writing did not always originate from the real world: even dreams can be a writing material.

The literacy discussion appeared to occur solemnly and calmly even though the weather was cloudy and sultry. The participants were so enthusiastic, a number of questions were raised for both Yuditeha and Kamar Kata's crews. Devi Ridho for example, one of the participants from Badegan I Senior High School expressed her difficulties in finding ideas.

"How to unearth the writing idea when we were in a writing deadlock? " she said.

Kamar Kata's crews told her some tips on finding ideas. See social reality, see movies, consult with friends, and always find information about anything were four tips alternately suggested by members of the community.

As a form of appreciation, the Chief of STKIP PGRI Ponorogo gave a number of books to the participants. The book entitled Jembatan Makna yang Terbuka by STKIP PGRI Ponorogo students became the gifts for the participants. This appreciation also aimed to transmit the spirit of literacy and productivity to the participants and general public.

Reporter: Diana Sofya
Students of STKIP PGRI Ponorogo, English Education

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